Today’s date:
13th March 2025
Lunar date:
12th Ramadan 1446
Today’s Salaat Times:
Imsaak at 4:42 am
Fajr at 4:57 am
Sunrise at 6:24 am
Dhuhr at 12:19 pm
Sunset at 6:05 pm
Maghrib at 6:20 pm

Together We Build for Future Generations

We need the help of all of you to raise £850,000 to build the future of our community.
We kindly urge you to please donate generously in the name of Allah (SWT).

1965 – 1966:

Arrival of a few families from Dar-es-Salaam sowed the ‘seeds’ of our community.

1971 – 1972:

Arrival of other Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri families (9 to 10 families) and those arriving from Uganda. The beginnings of a growing Jamaat.


First Muharram Majalises were recited at residence of several families. The Majalis were heard on pre-recorded tapes recited by various Ulama and Zakirs. Thereafter families would then take it in turns throughout the year to hold Wafaat, Wiladat and other Majalis at their homes.

1974 – 1982:

In 1974 a property on Down Street was rented by the Jamaat for the twelve days of Muharram for the purposes of Azadari. It was at this time a decision was taken to buy a property for community use as an Imambargah. Alhamdullilah, 172 Mere Road was purchased the same year. Leicester Jamaat was then officially formed. Majalis were recited by individuals from the Jamaat and invited alims. Madressa was also started at the same time. Maulana Sayed Zulqadar Razavi later became the first Resident Alim of Leicester Jamaat.

1983 – 1998:

With the growth of the Jamaat a larger property was required. Alhamdullilah the property at 127 Loughborough Road was bought and named ‘Husseini Mosque’. Funds were raised locally and with help from World Federation Jamaats and other organisations. In 1990 Jamaat bought 41 Wand Street for use as Resident Alims accommodation. Between these years Leicester Jamaat witnessed a growing membership with a firm commitment to cater for the spiritual needs of its members.

1998 – 2007:

Husseini Mosque at 127 Loughborough Road had served the community well but to cater for a growing community Leicester Jamaat, in 1998, decided to purchase new land on which to build a purpose built mosque. Al-Husseini Building Project along with Building Committee was put into action. Alhamdullilah the site at Duxbury Road was purchased and construction of the Masjid and Imambargah, named ‘Masjid-Al-Husayn’ commenced in September 2005. ‘Masjid-Al-Husayn’ was officially opened on 14th January 2007.

2007 – 2013:

Alhamdullilah the Jamaat has continued to grow and currently has in the region of 150+ families visiting the Masjid and Imambargah. The Al Zahra Building has been renovated providing ghusl / kaffan facilities and two halls capable of accommodating up to 100 people. Masjid Al Husayn has been honoured to host various conferences for World Federation and CoEJ and continue being the preferred venue for future conferences primarily due to the ‘state of the art’ AV facilities including live streaming and visual aids. The Jamaat has also recently introduced an Induction Loop Hearing Aid System which caters for members who are hard of hearing.

2013 – 2015:

As the Jamaat grows, a lot of investment is made in Information Technology. The Jamaat has computerised records, a regularly updated website and an online portal for members to log in to where a members directory can be found. In the last 2 years, the Jamaat has purchased 2 properties for “buy to let” purposes. The Jamaat’s objective over the coming years is to increase its property portfolio and continue making investments which will ultimately allow the Jamaat to become self sufficient.