Our Vision for Our Community

Create Smart Space to maximise the existing centre
By extending Imambargah entrances, we will save money on marquees year on year, provide a social area outside the main halls, move the toilets away from the main gents hall & prayer area, move congestion and noise away from the main halls, provide the Management Committee with a desk and have a bigger and newer AV room

A gym facility for members to use and stay fit
AFG will provide gym facilities with showers and lockers for ladies, gents, adults and seniors to train and become fitter and healthier. A fitter and healthier community means a more vibrant and productive community

A games area for the children & youth
There are no facilities for the young as such in the centre. The second floor to AZC will create smart space for a pool table, table tennis table and games consoles. The youth will get an opportunity to play, socialise together and build long term relationships at the centre
The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a grain which grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains; and verily, Allah gives increase manifold to whomever He wills, and Allah is omniscient, knowing – Q2:261

Together We Build for Future Generations
We need the help of all of you to raise £850,000 to build the future of our community. We kindly urge you to please donate generously in the name of Allah (SWT).
Where possible, please cover the costs of credit card fees, so we can maximise funds for the project and for donations above £1,000 please click the button below and someone from the fundraising team will be in touch.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Alhamdulillah, the general body of Leicester Jamaat unanimously approved the project in November 2021.
In sha Allah, by extending Imambargah entrances, we will save money on marquees year on year, provide a social area outside the main halls, move the toilets away from the main gent’s hall & prayer area, move congestion and noise away from the main halls, provide the Management Committee with desk facilities, indoor Tabarrok area and have a bigger upgraded AV room.
The planning permission was approved by the council on Wednesday 5th August 2022.
AFG will provide gym facilities with showers and lockers for ladies, gents, adults, and seniors to train and become fitter and healthier. A fitter and healthier community is a more vibrant and productive community. There are no facilities for the young as such in the centre. The second floor to AZC will create smart space for a pool table, table tennis table, and games consoles. The youth will get an opportunity to play, socialise together and build long-term relationships at the centre.
The total indicative costs of the project are estimated at £850,000 which includes building material and labour of both extensions, second floor to AZC, fixtures, and fittings, equipment costs, and admin costs such as architectural design and planning, planning permission application, quantity surveyor report, structural engineer report and project management.
In sha Allah, we will raise the funds required through the generosity of our local members, sister Jamaats, CoEJ, World Federation, and private individuals. We have received a Capitals Project Khums Ijaza from the World Federation.
We have had discussions with COEJ and WF and have received their initial support. As mentioned in the previous question, we are in the process of completing the Capital Project application for final endorsements that will give the project global recognition.
Our target is to collect the funds by Wiladat of Imam Ali AS (13th Rajab). Please contribute to this rewarding project generously.
May Allah SWT reward you Immensely in this world and the hereafter with Thawab Jaarea.
The preference is to raise all the funds only through the generosity of our community at large In sha Allah. We may need to take soft loans and/or borrow from a lender should the need arise.
We have had multiple consultation sessions with individuals and with groups of individuals that had queries on the project plans. We have taken on board their feedback and made updates accordingly that are possible and practical. We will continue to engage, consult and update the community throughout the project lifecycle.
There have been no significant enhancements to the facilities in Masjid Al Husayn, 17A Duxbury Road Since moving into the premises 16 years ago. The community has since grown and the needs of the community have, which includes recreational facilities. The investment will provide smart space to maximise the current site, provide recreational facilities to the children, youths, adults and seniors, gents, and ladies. The value of the property will also increase in sha Allah. We will value the premises before and after the work is completed.
In sha Allah once we have an indication that the planning permission will get approved, then we will go to tender. We are hoping to get responses from 4 vendors and select the one that is best suited for our community in terms of understanding our requirements, quality, efficiency, professionalism, and value for money.
InshaAllah we expect to start the construction work after obtaining planning permission, selecting a builder, and raising a significant amount of funds. In sha Allah the target start of construction is January 2023 and the expected completion is August 2023.
Yes, there will be running costs of the new gym equipment and managing the gym. In sha Allah we will accomplish this closer to the time.