Today’s date:
28th March 2025
Lunar date:
27th Ramadan 1446
Today’s Salaat Times:
Imsaak at 4:00 am
Fajr at 4:15 am
Sunrise at 5:48 am
Dhuhr at 12:15 pm
Sunset at 6:31 pm
Maghrib at 6:46 pm

Together We Build for Future Generations

We need the help of all of you to raise £850,000 to build the future of our community.
We kindly urge you to please donate generously in the name of Allah (SWT).

Payments to MKSI Leicester for renewal of membership as well as general donations can be made through one of the three methods listed below. If you need further assistance then please contact Br Hasnain Merchant from the treasury team on:
[email protected]

Standing Order / BACS

(Annual, Monthly or One-time Payment)

Sortcode: 40-28-03

Account Number: 11088793

Branch: HSBC Bank, 160 Belgrave Road,
Leicester, LE4 5AU

Reference: NAME and FUND

Debit / Credit CardPayment

Contact: Br Hasnain Merchant,
Assistant Treasurer

Mobile: 07496957594

Please have your debit or credit card ready when you call for the payment


Can also use debit or credit card to pay through Paypal

Paypal email: [email protected]

Reference: NAME and FUND

Paypal payments can also be made via the website ‘donate’ button on the homepage.