Today’s date:
28th March 2025
Lunar date:
27th Ramadan 1446
Today’s Salaat Times:
Imsaak at 4:00 am
Fajr at 4:15 am
Sunrise at 5:48 am
Dhuhr at 12:15 pm
Sunset at 6:31 pm
Maghrib at 6:46 pm

Together We Build for Future Generations

We need the help of all of you to raise £850,000 to build the future of our community.
We kindly urge you to please donate generously in the name of Allah (SWT).


Position HeldFull NameEmail Address
PresidentBr Mohammed Walji[email protected]
Vice PresidentBr Shakil Dharas[email protected]
Hon SecretaryBr Ali Karim[email protected]
Assistant SecretaryBr Amaan Sadiq[email protected]
Hon TreasurerBr Hasnain Merchant[email protected]
Assistant TreasurerBr Kumail Dhirani[email protected]
Head of Programs & AV ServicesBr Shayaan Abbas Houssen Aly[email protected]
Head of Economic & Investment PlanningBr Rameez Badami[email protected]
Mosque Care TakerSyed Moddessir Abbas Jaffri
Youth Boys CoordinatorBr Anis Rajani
Sub-Committee Liaison OfficerSr Fatima Jaffer Sadiq[email protected]

TRUSTEES (TERM 2023-2025)

Br Rafique Bhojani
Br Riaz Mawani
Br Ali Master
Br Vasi Dosani