Today’s date:
24th February 2025
Lunar date:
25th Shaban 1446
Today’s Salaat Times:
Imsaak at 5:24 am
Fajr at 5:39 am
Sunrise at 7:02 am
Dhuhr at 12:22 pm
Sunset at 5:33 pm
Maghrib at 5:48 pm

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Friday 19 November 2021

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Friday 19 November 2021


Partial Lunar Eclipse: Friday 19 November 2021

Eclipses of the Moon happen when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned to form an almost or exact straight line.

The next Partial Lunar Eclipse is on Friday 19 November 2021 and is visible in Leicester, UK.

The eclipse time for London is as follows:

Partial eclipse begins at 7:18AM and Partial eclipse ends at 7:29AM

It is Wajib to pray Namaz e Ayat between these times.

Namaz-e-Ayaat consists of two Rak’ats, and there are five Ruku in each.

Its method is as follows: After making niyyat of offering the prayers, one should say takbir (Allahu Akbar) and recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah, and then perform the Ruku. Thereafter, he should stand and recite Surah al-Hamd and a Surah and then perform another Ruku. He should repeat this action five times, and, when he stands after the fifth Ruku, he should perform two Sajdah, and then stand up to perform the second Rak’at in the same manner as he has done in the first. Then he should recite tashahhud and Salam.

Namaz-e-Ayaat can also be offered in the following manner:

After making niyyat to offer Namaz-e-Ayaat, a person is allowed to say takbir and recite Surah al-Hamd and then divide the verses of the other Surah into five parts, and recite one verse or more or less, and thereafter perform the Ruku. He should then stand up and recite another part of the Surah (without reciting Surah al-Hamd) and then perform another Ruku. He should repeat this action, and finish that Surah before performing the fifth Ruku. For example, he may say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim with the niyyat of reciting Surah al-Ikhlas, and perform the Ruku. He should then stand up and say, Qul huwallahu Ahad, and perform another Ruku. He should then stand up and say, Allahus Samad, and perform the third Ruku. Thereafter he should stand up again and say, Lam yalid walam yulad, and perform the fourth Ruku. Then he should stand up again and say, Walam yakullahu Kufuwan ahad, then perform the fifth Ruku followed by Samiallahu Liman Hamidah, and then perform two Sajdah and then rise for the second Rak’at, the same way as the first Rak’at. At the end, he should recite tashahhud and Salam after the two Sajdah. It is also permissible to divide a Surah into less than five parts. In that event, however, it is necessary that when the Surah is over, one should recite Surah al-Hamd before the next Ruku.

Zain Jaffer
Head of Programs & AV

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