Today’s date:
24th February 2025
Lunar date:
25th Shaban 1446
Today’s Salaat Times:
Imsaak at 5:24 am
Fajr at 5:39 am
Sunrise at 7:02 am
Dhuhr at 12:22 pm
Sunset at 5:33 pm
Maghrib at 5:48 pm

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: Fri 10th Jan 2019

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: Fri 10th Jan 2019


A penumbral lunar eclipse will occur on Friday 10th January, 2019. It will occur from 3:07pm – 9:12pm and its band will be across Europe (including all parts of the United Kingdom), parts of Asia, Australia and Africa.

During the penumbral lunar eclipse the Earth’s main shadow does not cover the Moon. Unlike the Total or Partial lunar eclipse where the entire or part of the Moon becomes darkened and disappears, in a penumbral lunar eclipse part of the full moon becomes only a little bit fainter than the rest of the Moon. A very mild shadow spreads over part of the disc of the Moon. The Moon remains as bright as a full Moon as the rest of the Moon receives the same amount of sunlight as usual. Because of this, it is often hard to differentiate between a normal full Moon and a penumbral eclipse of the Moon.

Therefore is Salatul Ayat to be performed?
In a penumbral lunar eclipse Salatul Ayat does not become wajib (obligatory). Muminin are informed that there is no obligation to recite Salatul Ayat on Friday 10th January 2020. This conclusion is being conveyed after consultations with the respected wakil of Marja Taqleed Ayatullah Al Udhama Seyyid Ali Seestani and the liaison office in London.

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