Today’s date:
21st December 2024
Lunar date:
18th Jumada Al Akhira 1446
Today’s Salaat Times:
Imsaak at 6:29 am
Fajr at 6:44 am
Sunrise at 8:13 am
Dhuhr at 12:06 pm
Sunset at 3:51 pm
Maghrib at 4:06 pm

Who Is Hussain Stall in Leicester City Centre

Who Is Hussain Stall in Leicester City Centre

Based on success from the previous years Muharram Stall, the Management Committee has decided to have more frequent stalls in the Leicester City Centre spreading the message of the Ahlul Bayt.

The next stall has been booked for Sunday 1st December 2019.

We request you to please support this noble cause of spreading the message of the Ahlul Bayt to the people of Leicester and beyond.

You can support by volunteering your time as well as sponsoring items or merchandise for the stall.

If you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring any items please contact Br Ali Abbas Rajani for more information.

We would like to thank you for your continued support.

With the success of past events, MKSI Leicester in conjunction with PACE, SHSW and Who Is Hussain are organising a Stall in the Leicester City Centre on Sunday 1st December

We are looking for passionate individuals (Ladies and Gents) to volunteer their time, energy and the love they have for Imam Hussain to be message conveyors during our stall.

If you would like volunteer as a message conveyor please contact Br Hasnain Karim (07725135617) or Sis Sakina Mawji by Saturday 23rd November. Resources will be provided to message conveyors.

We also require volunteers with the preparation before the event including putting labels on water bottles etc.

If you would like to help out please contact Br Ali Abbas Rajani on 07726007864.

Let us take this opportunity to spread the message of the Alhul Bayt to people of Leicester and beyond.

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